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Rock Canyon High School

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Consistent attendance is vital to student academic performance. Missing class places stress on students who find themselves having to make up work while keeping up with current assignments. Please prioritize their attendance and be considerate of the entire class who is impacted every time the class is disrupted by a student arriving or leaving. We desire that all students receive the best education possible each and every day of the school year.


Parents may not excuse students for missing class because the student is "unprepared, needs to work on another class, or do volunteer work." This is considered an unexcused absence. 



Line 1 - EARLY RELEASE (Getting out of class early for an appointment, etc.)
  • Please give a MINIMUM OF 2 HOURS NOTICE. If the minimum two hours is not given, we cannot guarantee a timely release. 
  • Students are responsible for picking up their pass from the Attendance Window.
  • Students can pick up passes before school, during passing periods or lunch period. 
  • Whenever possible, please have your student released during passing periods or lunch when no pass is needed. 
  • No early release passes are written after 1:15 on Monday-Thursday, 2:00 on Friday.
  • Passes will not be delivered. 

Line 2 - TARDY/LATE ARRIVAL (arriving late to class)
  • Tardies are considered as missing less than half of a class period, while an absence is missing more than half of a class period. 

Line 3 - ALL DAY ABSENCE/ALL OTHER (out all day with illness, travel, previous day absence)
  • Excusals must be called in within a 48-HOUR period following the absence.
  • All absences not excused within the 48-hour time frame will be considered unexcused. Additional approval will be needed from an administrator to get an absence excused. 
Extreme Emergencies ONLY 
  • Please call the Main Office line, 303-387-3000. We will be able to release your student(s) in a more timely manner.

DCSD Attendance

Attendance Policies


Attendance Secretary

Cindy Liberman
Phone: 303-387-3002